Essence DAO
The Decentralized Autonomous Organization driving Essence's upgrades
A core principle of Essence is its fully decentralized design and minimal dependence on any centralized assets or protocols. The Essence DAO is responsible for utilizing all of the flexible and power features of Essence to continually enhance the protocol in an ever-changing DeFi space.
EssenceDAO is controlled by xZEN holders. (Subject to the Governance Phases)
Essence's design and implementation minimizes the governance for activities related to peg maintenance. Beyond the inherent need for initial protocol tuning, the Essence DAO is primarily responsible for two things: upgrades and integrations.
Parameter tuning and changes that Essence DAO can make:
Grant/Revoke roles
Change PCV allocations
Adjust rewards from the staking pool
Upgrade oracles and other contracts throughout the system
The Essence DAO is built on the OpenZepplin Governor and TimelockController.
3% Quorum
.25% proposal threshold
12 hour voting delay
36 hour voting period
24 hour timelock delay
Essence DAO is controlled by xZEN
Essence implements a flexible access control system. The Timelock is appointed as a Governor, but it does not have to be the only one, or remain Governor forever. Essence can appoint autonomous Governors to adjust parameters and PCV based on market conditions. Additionally, a tiered governance structure can be implemented where certain changes require higher quorum thresholds and longer times.
Ultimately, the Essence DAO (i.e xZEN holders) makes all of these decisions as the protocol evolves.
Last updated